2017년 3월 15일 수요일

Mobile Live Poker Game 'Life is Timing'

"Life is Timing" is a mobile live poker game where you can enjoy your Facebook friends anytime, anywhere.

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<Life is Timing> consists of 'Texas Hold'em'and 'Seven poker'
*'Slot games' will be added soon.

Five players can enter the room at the same time and enjoy the game in real gamble mode.

If you use Facebook account login, your Facebook profile will be available.
If not, we especially provides you a gray ghost picture.
If you use guest login, your game data may not be protected when you delete this app.

Next to your profile, you can see 'Buddy' and 'Mailbox' icon.
'Buddy' shows you list of your Facebook friends using this app.
Our gifts and every bonus you get will be posted to your mailbox.
Up-right corner, 'Option' and 'Quit' button.
'Ranking' button will show information about your rank and raking bonus.
'Chat', you know, for chatting and will be available in next update.
'Notice' is the notice you usually ignore.
'Mission' will show you some missions you can earn free chips.
'Freechip', I think, you are most interested, give free chips after ad. video clip.
'Store', I can tell you nothing about it.

 Texas hold 'em is a variation of the card game of poker. 

Two cards, known as the hole cards, are dealt face down to each player, and then five community cards are dealt face up in three stages. 
The stages consist of a series of three cards ("the flop"), later an additional single card ("the turn" or "fourth street") and a final card ("the river" or "fifth street"). 
Each player seeks the best five card poker hand from the combination of the community cards and their own hole cards.

Players have betting options to check, call, raise or fold. Rounds of betting take place before the flop is dealt, and after each subsequent deal.

7-card stud is a variant of stud poker.

The game begins with each player being dealt two cards face down and one card face up.
We provides two dealing rules, "classic" rule means dealing three cards and players choose which card to face up, "choice" rule means dealing four cards and players choose one card to discard and one card to face up.
The player with the lowest-ranking upcard pays the bring-in, and betting proceeds after that in normal clockwise order.

After the first betting round, another upcard is dealt to each player, followed by a second betting round beginning with the player whose upcards make the best poker hand. 
Since fewer than five cards are face up, this means no straights, flushes, or full houses will count for this purpose. 
On this and all subsequent betting rounds, the player whose face-up cards make the best poker hand will act first, and may check or bet up to the game's limit.
The second round is followed by a third upcard and betting round, a fourth upcard and betting round, and finally a downcard, a fifth betting round, and showdown if necessary. 

And you can give gifts to your friends who play 'Life is Timing' with

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